


All-Campus Parties are sponsored by the Student 事件 Committee, student organizations or several houses working together and are open to persons with 澳门葡京博彩软件 IDs.  All Campus Parties where 酒精 is being served may be held only in the Campus Center.  的 serving of 酒精 must be supervised by 餐厅 服务.



的re are four types of events that need to be registered. 下面是每一个的简要描述.


的se events are smaller scale with the purpose to provide opportunities for house members to connect with each other. 的se events might be open to the entire house community or a subset of the community (such as a class year of POCheese event). If the house is bringing in an outside vendor (massage therapist, 无伴奏合唱团), 可能需要创建一个合同. 的se events might be a single event or a repeated event (such as “hump day” activities. 

谁来主持: 宿舍里的任何学生都可以主持一个宿舍项目

培训要求: Training is not necessary to host these events but here are training resources for those interested.

RL学生教职员要求: Not included in the registration process nor needs to be present at the event.


  • 电影之夜
  • 大的/小的兄弟姐妹活动
  • 班级聚会
  • 游戏之夜
  • 工艺事件



的se are large events where typically there is amplified music, usually provided by a DJ. A decision has to be made as a house community that they want to host a house party. 的 House Social Event Coordinators (HSECs) work with their House Presidents (HP) to plan the event. 这些事件可以是开放的(no 客人名单)或关闭(用 客人名单). 的 派对及活动小组 将出席并协助活动的管理. HSECS and HPs must be at the event for the duration of the event and 居住生活 student staff must be in the building (but not required at the event) for the duration of the event. 酒精 可以在这些活动中服务吗. 这些活动不能超过4小时.

谁来主持: hsec已经 训练有素的.

培训要求: hsec必须完成 家庭聚会培训

RL学生教职员要求: 包括在注册过程中. Does not work the party but must be in the house during the party.


  • Open and Closed House Parties like "Fetish" and "Immorality"
  • Any event (other than a Small Private Event and House/Senior Banquet) where 酒精 is being served.



House and 高级宴会 are events that are designed around a meal which may include 酒精. 高级宴会 are specific events that happen in April of each year that celebrate the achievements of the seniors in each house. House Banquets are unique traditions depending on the house. A house that would like to have a House Banquet (separate from the Senior Banquet), must contact the Coordinator of House 事件 in advance of registering the event. 的se events are generally limited to house residents with flexibility to have up to 10 outside guests who are usually former residents of the house. House 居住生活 工作人员 must be present at this event in addition to the host of the event. 这些活动不能超过4小时.

谁来主持: 宴会主持者都已完成 在线培训

培训要求: 宴会主人必须完成一份 在线培训

RL学生教职员要求: 包括在注册过程中 and must staff the event.


  • 高级宴会
  • 中世纪的宴会



的se events are hosted by a resident (s) of a house community. It is not an open event as the host(s) invite specific people to these events. 的 maximum number of people that can attend a Small Private Event is 30 and does not need to be limited to residents of the house. Small Private 事件 can be located in a house common room (Living room, study, beau parlor etc.)或康威公寓(Conway House)、亨肖公寓(Henshaw)或弗里德曼公寓(Friedman Apartment). 酒精 可以在这些活动中服务吗 if the host (s) is 21 or older. 这些活动不能超过4小时.

谁来主持: Anyone living in the specific housing unit where the event is to be located.

培训要求: 的 students who want to host the event must complete the 在线培训.

RL学生教职员要求: Not included in the registration process nor needs to be present at the event.


  • 生日聚会
  • 庆祝论文完成
  • 高级葡萄酒和奶酪



When houses decide they would like to host a Registered House Party, 他们必须决定活动是开放还是关闭. 下面是开放事件和封闭事件的定义.

  • 开放日派对: 这次活动没有嘉宾名单. Any 澳门葡京博彩软件 student and up to 3 of their guests can attend an Open House Party. 在一个开放的家庭聚会上, admittance is restricted (one person leaves the event then another may enter).Open House Parties with a capacity of 100 or more must have a Crowd Manager.
  • 闭门派对: A 客人名单 must be turned into the designated residence life professional staff member on the Friday before the event. Only those people on the 客人名单 may enter the event. 非澳门葡京博彩软件学生必须是澳门葡京博彩软件学生的客人. 澳门葡京博彩软件学生最多可以接待3位客人. 一旦在一个封闭的家庭聚会上达到了容量, admittance is restricted (one person leave the event then another may enter). 封闭的家庭聚会从不需要人群管理人员.