

Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino/a Studies; Chair of Latin American and Latino/a Studies



Hillyer Hall 313 / Wright Hall 119


哈维尔朋地 is an interdisciplinary scholar of Andean environments and campesino politics. Originally trained as a historian of the Andes at Georgetown University, he has spent his career researching and teaching about the trajectories of Latin American agrarian reforms, 农民和农民的土地斗争, 最近, 他们所经历的社会环境苦难. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, he currently serves as Chair of the Latin American and Latino/a Studies Program and 教师 Liaison of the Phoebe and John D. 刘易斯全球研究中心. 

哈维尔·普恩特的第一本书, The Rural State: Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru’s Central Sierra (德克萨斯大学出版社, 2022), documents how 人 living in the Peruvian central sierra in the twentieth century confronted emerging and consolidating powers of state and capital and engaged in an ongoing struggle over increasingly elusive subsistence and autonomies, uncovering the surprising and overlooked ways that Peru’s rural communities formed the political nation-state that still exists today and offering a fresh perspective on how the Andes became la sierra, 普韦布洛人是如何变成社区的, 以及indígenas如何变成campesinos. The Rural State received the 2023 Marysa Navarro Best Book Prize from the New England Council of Latin American Studies (NECLAS).

哈维尔朋地 is currently working on two book-length projects. 第一个, tentatively titled Children of Collapse: El Niño and the Making of Andean Livelihoods, reconstructs how 人s and places of the southern central Peruvian Andes have experienced, 经历了, and adapted to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). 整合档案资源, 人种志资料和气候资料, this study evaluates a major environmental phenomenon within a two-century narrative of internal conflict and civil strife. 第二篇题为《繁荣》! 秘鲁的爆炸性历史, explores the role that dynamite has had in physically and politically transforming the Peruvian Andes. 人类世的一个重要组成部分, dynamite facilitated the construction of railways, 使采矿能够达到更深的深度, made fishing a more ecologically depleting activity, and even served the terrorist strategies of an insurrectionary movement. 

哈维尔朋地’s teaching interests focus on Andean history and environmental history, 拉丁美洲的农业问题, 起义和革命的过程, the intersection of ecological transformations and sociopolitical conflicts, 以及农村暴力的物质根源. He is broadly interested in the centrality of the agrarian countryside in the making of the modern world and how global forces shape everything rural. 近年来, he has become increasingly concerned about the relationship between the lives of rural 人s and how they make sense of their changing environments. In 2022, the 学生会协会 (SGA) at 澳门葡京博彩软件 distinguished him with the annual 教师 Teaching Award for junior faculty members. 

哈维尔朋地’s research has been funded and supported by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 秘鲁文化研究所, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, 约翰·卡特·布朗图书馆, 智利教皇大学Católica, 利哈伊大学, the Program of Latin American 库 and Archives at Harvard University乔治敦大学’s Center of Latin American Studies, and the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and 历史. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, 他是NACLA的特约编辑, 北美拉丁美洲理事会.


朋地,哈维尔. The Rural State: Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru’s Central Sierra奥斯汀:德克萨斯大学出版社,2022年.


Modelando Regiones Naturales: Capitalismo, Medio Ambiente y la Geografía del Perú Pos-Colonial. 拉丁美洲环境历史出版社Caribeña; 12:3, 2022.

The Environmental and Ecological Impacts of Guerrilla and Irregular Warfare. 全球环境, 14:1, 2021.


朋地,哈维尔. “秘鲁的反体制冲动,” in: NACLA Report on The Americas, 55:1, 2023, pp.15-19.

朋地,哈维尔和Adrián LERNER. “Modelando Regiones Naturales: Capitalismo, Medio Ambiente y la Geografía del Perú Pos-Colonial,” in: 拉丁美洲环境历史出版社Caribeña; 12:3, December 2022, pp. 20-27.

朋地,哈维尔.“Monumentos de papel: la narrativa histórica del Gobierno Revolucionario de la Fuerza Armada,见:Grecia Barbieri和Gonzalo Benavente主编. La revolución imaginada, pp. 45-50. 利马:辩论/企鹅兰登书屋,2021年.

朋地,哈维尔. "不规则的冲突, Disrupted Ecologies: The Environmental Impacts of Unconventional Warfare in the Global South,” in: 全球环境, 14:1, pp. 7-14.

朋地,哈维尔. “持久的冲突气候:干旱, 贫穷, 以及秘鲁内战的长期后果,” in: 全球环境, 2021, 14:1, pp. 146-179.

朋地,哈维尔. “De comunero a campesino: el ‘corto siglo veinte’ en el campo peruano, 1920-1969,” in: Investigaciones Historicas, 40, 2020年12月,pp. 9-26.

朋地,哈维尔. “Tierra para el que la trabaja: El Proyecto 206 y la circulación de conocimiento agrario en América Latina, 1964-1974,见:费尔南多·珀塞尔和里卡多·阿里亚斯编., Circulaciones, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020, pp. 229-254.

朋地,哈维尔. “The Military Grammar of Agrarian Reform in Peru: Campesinos and Rural Capitalism,” in: 激进历史评论中文信息学报,2019年1月13日,78-101.

朋地,哈维尔. “Una guerra de ocupación: la territorialización del Conflicto Armado Interno en Perú, 1981-1986,” in: 复兴论坛Histórica del Nordeste, 32, 2018年5月- 8月,pp. 175-197.

朋地,哈维尔. “Making Peru’s Sendero Luminoso: The Mega Niño of 1982-1983,” in: 革命时代.

朋地,哈维尔. “Livestock, Livelihood and Agrarian Change in Andean Peru,” in: Oxford 研究 Encyclopedia of Latin American 历史, 2018年2月,30分.

朋地,哈维尔. “La ‘masacre’ de Ondores: reforma, comunidad y violencia en la Sierra Central (1969-1979),” in: 航空杂志上Argumentos, 4:10, pp. 23-30.

朋地,哈维尔. “第二次独立, 国家历史, and Myth-Making Heroes in the Peruvian Nationalizing State: The Government of Juan Velasco Alvarado, 1968-1975,” in: 伊比利亚和拉丁美洲研究杂志, 23:3, 2016年12月,页. 231-249.

朋地,哈维尔. “Archivos Campesinos: San Juan de Ondores, Actas Comunales e Historias Rurales en el Perú, 1937-2012,” in: Carlos Aguirre and Javier Villa Flores, eds. From the Ashes of 历史: Loss and Recovery of Archives and 库 in Modern Latin America. 北卡罗莱纳州:A Contracorriente Press, 2015, pp. 267-306.

朋地,哈维尔. “El Problema del Museo como Espacio de Representación: de Benedict Anderson al Lugar de la Memoria en el Perú,见:胡安·安德里萨斯·布雷西亚诺主编. La Memoria Histórica y sus Configuraciones Temáticas. 蒙得维的亚:Ediciones Cruz del Sur, 2014, pp. 565-582.



星期三下午2-4点.m., Wright Hall 119; and by appointment


Ph.D., M.A.乔治敦大学
B.H.罗马罗马大学Católica del Perú
