

Professor of Jewish Studies and of World Literatures



贾斯汀凯米 is a literary and cultural historian who specializes in Yiddish literature and modern Jewish culture. He is chair of both the Program in World Literatures and the Program in Jewish Studies, and also holds appointments in Russian and East European Studies, 中东研究, 和翻译研究.  

Cammy's publications range from essays on Yiddish literary history to scholarly 反式lations of foundational texts to introductions to new editions of works by Yiddish writers and memoirists that open them up to a broad readership. His scholarship on the generation of “when Yiddish was young” 挑战战后意第绪语的神话. His critical edition and 反式lation of Abraham Sutzkever’s 从维尔纳犹太区到纽伦堡 (McGill-Queen’s UP) won the 2022 Fenia and Yaakov Leviant Memorial Prize in Yiddish Studies from the Modern Language Association, the Canadian Jewish Literary Award for Yiddish, and the Finestone Prize for the best 反式lation of a book on a Jewish theme from the J.I. 西格尔奖. 他曾任……的副主编 Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary 历史 自2005年以来.

Cammy served as Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, 剑桥大学, 2023年秋天, and in spring 2024 he was the Aresty Visiting Scholar at the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life at Rutgers University. His past honors include resident 研究 fellow at the Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan (winter 2020); 反式lation fellow at the Yiddish Book Center (2018); resident 研究 fellow at the International Institute for Holocaust 研究 at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (2014); and Mellon Senior Scholar on the Holocaust and visiting professor of English at UCLA (2009). He also is a longtime faculty member of the Naomi Prawer Kadar International Yiddish summer program at Tel Aviv University (for which he served as on-site director from 2019-2023) and the Steiner Yiddish summer program at the Yiddish Book Center. 

在2023年毕业典礼上, President Kathleen McCartney presented him with the Honored Professor Award, 承认“教学上的区别”, 研究, 学术工作, 并为澳门葡京博彩软件服务." 

贾斯汀凯米 also is a 2006 recipient of the 澳门葡京博彩软件’s Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching. 



  • 意第绪文学与文化
  • 美国犹太文学
  • 文学中的以色列
  • 现代犹太小说
  • 卡夫卡(与乔尔·韦斯特代尔) 
  • 大屠杀文学


  • Jews in the Medieval World (with Josh Birk)
  • 东欧犹太人东欧的犹太人
  • 以色列历史 
  • 巴以冲突
  • 大屠杀(与欧内斯特·本茨)
  • Yiddishlands



翻译和编辑, 从维尔纳犹太区到纽伦堡: Memoir and Testimony 亚伯拉罕·苏茨凯弗著Montreal McGill-Queen's University Press, 2021.

贾斯汀凯米, Dara Horn, Alyssa Quint, Rachel Rubinstein, Arguing the Modern Jewish Canon: Essays on Jewish Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Harvard Center for Jewish Studies, 2008 (721 pages). 包括凯米, “Judging the Judgment of Shomer: Jewish Literature versus Jewish Reading” (文章)和 “The Judgment of Shomer, by Sholem Aleichem” (annotated 反式lation from Yiddish), pp. 85-185.

翻译和编辑, On Long Winter Nights: Memoirs of a Jewish Family in a Galician Township 1870-1890, Hinde Bergner著. Cambridge: Harvard Center for Jewish Studies, 2005.


“The Poetics of Landkentenish: Elkhonen Vogler, Forgotten Poet of Yung-Vilne.” In Polish Jewish Culture Beyond the Capital: Centering the Periphery, ed. 南希·辛考夫和哈琳娜·戈德堡. 罗格斯大学出版社,2023年.

“The Prose of Everyday Life: Moyshe Levin’s Vilna Peoplescapes” (journal article with 3 original 反式lations). Colloquia: Journal of the Lithuanian Institute of Literature and Folklore (2021).

通过意第绪语思考, ed. Julian Levinson and 贾斯汀凯米 (University of Michigan Library, 2020), 包括凯米, "Oysdakhtungen: The Yiddish Trace in Contemporary Jewish Fiction."

”介绍.” In 帆布和其他故事反式. 露丝墨菲. Teaneck: Ben Yehuda Press, 2020, xiii-xxiii.

“Unsettling the Linguistic and Geographical Borders of Jewish American Literature: Régine Robin’s La Québécoite.” In 犹太美国文学教学, ed. 罗伯塔·罗森伯格和瑞秋·鲁宾斯坦. MLA, 2020.

介绍 The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever, selected and 反式lated by Richard Fein. 纽约州立大学出版社,2019年1月.

《永华不为人知的故事》莱泽·兰收藏目录. Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 2017, 23-42.

埃弗罗·诺弗斯顿和贾斯汀·卡米, ——写于莫斯科, 1944年夏天,” Hebrew introduction to Avrom Sutzkever, Geto Vilna. 特拉维夫:Am Oved, 2016, 9-49.

“前言”, Vilna, My Vilna: Stories by Abraham Karpinowitz,反式. 海伦·明茨. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2015, ix-xxiii.

Chaim Grade和他的世界. 纽约:伊沃百科全书节选第1号. 3 - Yivo Institute for Jewish 研究, 2010, 22 pages.

Cammy和Marta Fliglerowicz, “Translating 历史 Into Art: The Influences of Cyprian Kamil Norwid in Avrom Sutzkever’s Poetry,” Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary 历史 27:3 (2007), 427-473.

“Vision and Redemption: Abraham Sutzkever’s Poems of Zion(ism),” 大屠杀后的意第绪语, ed. 约瑟夫·谢尔曼. 牛津:林荫书店,2004,240-265.

“The Politics of 首页, the Culture of Place: ‘Yung Vilne’: 文学与艺术杂志 (1934-1936),” Judische Kultur(en) im Neuen Europa: Wilna 1918-1939, edited by Marina Dmitrieva and Heidemarie Petersen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004, 117-133.

“Jung Wilnie i kultura jidysz w miedzywojennym Wilne,” 1920年至1940年后期,诗人是威尔尼的诗, edited by Tadeusz Bujnicki and Krzysztof Biedrzycki. (Krakow: Taiwpn Universitas, 2003), 257-286. Translation into Polish and expansion of “Tsevorfenebleter: The Emergence of Yung-Vilne,” Polin:波兰犹太人研究,卷. 14,安东尼·波隆斯基编辑. London: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2001, 170-191.


Theresienstadt Archive: A Woman's Micro-历史 of the Holocaust (2018)

Inhabiting Multiple 首页lands: Teaching in a Yiddish Summer Program (2017)



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A.M., Ph.D.哈佛大学
JYA, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


贾斯汀·卡米-简历- 2024 (PDF)