

Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor in the Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology





里克幻想曲's childhood was passed on the meanish streets of northern Manhattan and his adolescence in an impossibly rural village in upstate 纽约. 作为一名社区大学学生, he proudly served in an anti-war movement that included Vietnam veterans, 体力劳动者和高中辍学生, 给他提供了一个丰富的, 但是不带感情色彩的教育. Spending a year in Paris in a program for foreign students at the Sorbonne, Fantasia lived in a perfectly squalid studio apartment in a lively North African neighborhood in the north of the city, where he discovered the best jazz clubs; attended lectures by the likes of Genet, Baldwin and Abbie Hoffman; and took extramural courses in "intermediate street warfare,追踪萨特,和“在巴黎吃饭,一天花费不到两美元”.他对美国有了更多的了解.S. society while in Paris than he ever could have learned at home.

Roaming widely across the 1970s as an itinerant student (through several academic institutions), 作为一名工人(在铸钢厂), 一个医院, in a tire factory and in a paper mill) and as an organizer (both designated and self-declared), 他搬到了更加精致的场地, 从巴黎到温哥华, 到波士顿, 到东奥兰治, 新泽西, 对水牛, 纽约. 他是国家教师团的一名参与者, a federal program to prepare those from "disadvantaged backgrounds" to teach in "disadvantaged schools,,同时只拿到了B.S. 在厄普萨拉学院获得学位, 一个受人尊敬的, 世纪, fully-accredited institution that has since disappeared, 没有留下转发地址. While working as a counselor to adolescents labeled "juvenile delinquents" in Niagara Falls, he earned a master's degree in social science at the State University of 纽约 at Buffalo with a concentration in sociology and history.

幻想曲于1978年搬到北安普顿.G. (Before Gentrification) to attend graduate school at 马萨诸塞大学 and was awarded a doctorate in sociology in 1982. He has been teaching at Smith since the fall of that year. Awarded a Leverhulme Visiting Fellowship at the University of Sussex in England for 1985–86, he spent his time writing a book and presenting lectures at various universities as well as to coal miners in Yorkshire and in Wales (where he was made an honorary member of the Onllwyn Miner's Lodge, a venerated local branch of the National Union of Mineworkers). He spent most of his Saturday nights that year attending fringe theatre performances across London, and afterward joining the picket lines of locked-out newspaper workers at Rupert Murdoch's printing plant in East London.

澳门葡京博彩软件, where he is the Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor in the Social Sciences, 幻想曲定期教授《阶级与社会》, 城市社会学, 文化社会学, 社会学概论, 以及一个艺术社会学研讨会. The reading lists for his courses tend to be punctuated by various works of the late French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, with whom Fantasia was privileged to have been associated and from whom he relearned the practice of sociology.

His research interests have mostly concerned questions of labor and of culture, 以及它们的相互渗透, 在美国和法国都有. For nearly two decades he conducted research on American mass culture in France, with particular attention to the consequences of neo-liberalism for the French gastronomic field. In recent years he has presented lectures on his work to audiences at Yale, 加州大学伯克利分校, 南加州大学, 麻省理工学院, 芝加哥大学, 哈佛大学, 西北大学, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 日内瓦大学, 明德学院, the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, 北卡罗来纳大学, 教堂山分校, 英国的开放大学, 康涅狄格大学, 普林斯顿大学, 佐治亚大学, 马萨诸塞大学, 阳光石溪, The Center for Working Class Studies at Youngstown State University, 以及美国烹饪学院. Current research projects include a study of the forms and methods of influence and power in the international sociological field, with particular focus on the case of Sweden (with Prof. Marita Flisback of Gothenburg University); and an analysis of disciplinary biases and influences in interdisciplinary scholarship, in a study of the field of women’s studies between 1980-2010 (with Emily Ruppel, 澳门葡京博彩软件2018届毕业生).

里克幻想曲的最新著作, 法国美食和美国美食的魔力 由天普大学出版社(2018)出版. 以前的出版物包括 团结的文化: Consciousness, Action and Contemporary American Workers, which won three different awards from the American Sociological Association. 他是K.沃斯) 努力工作:重塑美国劳工运动, an enlarged edition of a book published in French, titled Des Syndicats Domestiques: Répression patronale et résistance syndicale aux États-Unis (巴黎:agir出版社,2003). 他合著 无家可归:一本资料书; and co-edited Bringing Class Back In: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.

Recent published articles and chapters have concerned the sociological practice of Pierre Bourdieu, 法国烹饪领域, 劳动是一种社会运动, 美国高等教育中的阶级再生产, 以及美国企业对待劳工的行为. 其中有几篇发表于 《澳门葡京博彩软件》, which he considers the best paper in the world and to which he has been a periodic contributor. His article on repression and work in the United States (published in the French journal 社会科学研究学会 in 2001) was awarded the prize for "best article on labor for articles published in 2001, 2002, and 2003" by the Labor and Labor Movements Section of the American Sociological Association. In 2004 he was elected to the Sociological 研究 Association, an honor society; in 2006 he was elected chair of the Labor and Labor Movements Section of the American Sociological Association; and in 2009 he was elected chair of the Culture Section of the American Sociological Association (for 2010–11).

除了他在澳门葡京博彩软件的工作, he has served on the boards of the Northampton Arts Council and the Serious Play! 剧院乐团. 


团结的文化. 伯克利:加州大学出版社,1988.

无家可归:一本资料书. 莫里斯·伊瑟曼. 纽约:事实档案公司., 1994.

联合主编. Bringing Class Back In: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. 科罗拉多州博尔德:西景出版社,1991年.

努力工作:重塑美国劳工运动. 与K. 沃斯. 伯克利:加州大学出版社,2004. 

法国美食和美国美食的魔力. 天普大学出版社,2018.



星期二下午4:15 - 5:30.m. 在办公室;



