


此申诉程序适用于学院的豁免/行政和非豁免/行政支持人员, 不时地, various problems occur involving work relationships and conditions of employment. In order to ensure that staff members' grievances receive full consideration, this procedure is a method of review and appeal for the resolution of such grievances. 学院承认员工有权向各种联邦和州机构提出投诉. 然而, 学院建立了这一内部程序,期望它能提供一种有效的方法来解决不满,而不需要联邦或州的救济.

员工应随意与主管或部门主管非正式地讨论任何问题, or the staff in the Office of 人力资源, at any time without the discussion being considered part of a formal grievance procedure. 然而, at such time as a staff member wishes his/her problem to be considered formally by the college, he/she will follow the procedure described below.

This procedure applies to all grievable issues (with the exception of sexual harassment, (或根据学院的平等就业机会政策所涵盖的投诉),涉及部门内的工作条件和关系,以及/或一般雇佣政策和程序的解释和对个人的适用. 雇用政策的实际条款和雇员福利计划不在本程序的范围内. Where a question exists as to whether a particular matter is covered by this procedure, 主管人力资源的助理副总裁将把此事提交高级工作人员决定. 该程序的适用将被拒绝,只有在事项不是一个可申诉的问题,或者是一个申诉人没有直接利益的问题, 或者在其他情况下,使用这一程序显然会危及其作为审查和申诉工作人员不满的手段的效力. The grievance procedure is not available to new staff during the orientation and review period. Voluntary resignations are not subject to the grievance procedure.

在程序的任何一个步骤中作出的决定将是最终的,对该申诉具有约束力,除非申诉方向下一个步骤发起上诉. In the event that an employee does not receive a decision within the prescribed time limits, 没有回应将被视为拒绝申诉,他/她可以进入下一步. 然而, 任何步骤所规定的时限,经有关各方协商一致,可以延长. Written responses by any of the concerned parties should be mailed on the day they are dated.

Retaliatory action of any kind taken by any employee (e.g., 部门主管, 主管, (或同事)反对任何其他员工,因为该员工根据本程序寻求补救, 配合任何调查, or otherwise participating in any proceedings under this procedure is prohibited. Any such retaliatory action will be the basis for a separate grievance.

Steps in the 申诉程序

The first three steps in this grievance procedure are informal efforts to resolve problems where they arise and with the parties directly involved; the fourth and fifth steps provide a means of further appeal to the Administrative or 行政支持 工作人员 Grievance Committees and to the President of the college. 在本程序的第3或第4步,工作人员可由另一名人员陪同和代表. 他/她必须在提交给人力资源助理副总裁的书面请求中包括该代表的姓名.e., in the request for a Step 3 interview and/or in the request for a Step 4 hearing).

An employee will follow the steps in the order described below; however, the Office of 人力资源 may be contacted directly if, 对于特定的不满, it seems inappropriate to discuss the problem with the 主管 or 部门主管. 也, the Office of 人力资源 may be contacted at any time for additional information, 指导, or assistance in interpreting any part of this grievance procedure.


在 30 calendar days of the incident or action causing the problem, the employee will discuss the complaint with the immediate 主管 who, 在某些情况下, 会是部门主管吗. 主管将在会议结束后的五个日历日内向申诉者提供问题的简短书面总结和答复. (If the immediate 主管 is the 部门主管, the next step in this procedure is Step 3; otherwise, 第二步适用.)


If the 主管's reply does not resolve the problem to the employee's satisfaction, he/she may submit a written description of the complaint to the 部门主管 within 五个 calendar days from the date of the 主管's written response. 部门主管将与该员工讨论有关情况,并在限期内向投诉人士提供书面答复 七个 calendar days following receipt of the written description of the complaint.


If the 部门主管's response does not resolve the problem to the employee's satisfaction, 或者人力资源厅作出的决定使工作人员不满意, 他/她可以要求由人力资源助理副总裁审查投诉. 详细说明投诉的请求必须以书面形式提交给助理副总裁 七个 calendar days from the date of the 部门主管's written response. The Associate Vice President will attempt to resolve the problem with all parties concerned within 14 days following receipt of the grievance. 如果问题解决了, 助理副总裁将发出一份书面摘要,并将副本分发给有关各方. If no resolution is achieved, the Associate Vice President will so inform all parties in writing.


(a) If the grievance has not been resolved by the Associate Vice President for 人力资源, 工作人员可要求行政或行政支助工作人员申诉委员会成员听取其申诉. The request to the appropriate committee must be submitted via the Office of 人力资源 within 14 calendar days from the date of the Associate Vice President's written statement in Step 3. The request will include the following:

  1. 对引起投诉的事件或行为的描述,并具体说明投诉的内容;
  2. what the staff member considers to be a satisfactory resolution of the matter;
  3. 如果工作人员决定由另一名个人陪同和代表出席申诉委员会的听证会,则代表的姓名.

(b)在 七个 days of receipt of the request for a hearing, 委员会全体成员将举行初步会议,审查申诉,并决定是否应就申诉进行全面聆讯. If the committee decides that a hearing is warranted, it will designate a time and place for a hearing and all parties will be notified. 在听证会上, the committee will review the entire case, may seek additional relevant information, and may interview any of the parties involved. 投诉人或其代表有权提供资料(以书面形式或通过证人提供),并向提供资料的其他人提出质询.



申诉委员会的调查结果和建议将提交总统审查并作出最终决定. 总统可以批准, 不赞成, 或者修改委员会的建议,或者将案件发回委员会进一步调查. The President will issue a decision in writing with copies to all parties concerned. This decision is final and binding within the college.

The Administrative and 行政支持 工作人员 Grievance Committees

These committees will be formed on an as-needed basis.  Each consists of 五个 members from the administrative and administrative support staff; membership on these committees is limited to regular full-time staff members. 每个委员会的五名成员将由校长按下列原则任命:四名成员将由校长选出——其中三名从工作人员理事会提名中选出,两名由校长自己选择.  In the event that no nominations are received from the staff, the President will select 五个 members of her own choosing.