


澳门葡京博彩软件重视员工对学院成功运作的贡献,并期望与每位员工建立富有成效和相互满意的雇佣关系. 然而, 双方都明白,双方都没有义务继续保持雇佣关系,任何一方都可以随时终止雇佣关系. 终止妊娠可以是自愿的,也可以是非自愿的.


If you decide to resign or retire from your position, it is helpful to give as much advance notice as possible. Non-exempt employees who resign are expected to give their supervisor at least 提前两周通知; exempt employees who resign are expected to give at least 一个月的通知.

A written resignation or retirement notice is required, stating the reason of your resignation and last day of work. 

Vacation or other paid leave may not be used to extend your official termination date. Any accrued and unused vacation you have earned as of your official termination date will be paid to you.


The retirement of an experienced staff member may have an impact on the operation of an office or department. 只要有可能, you are asked to give a minimum of four months' written notice; however, six months to one year's notice would help your department head plan appropriately for the future. 62岁或以上从学院退休的员工,如果在学院工作了至少10年,就有资格获得退休人员澳门葡京博彩软件一卡通,该卡通可以继续使用学院的某些设施和服务.


Employees age 62 or older with at least 10 years of service may elect early retirement. Early retirees may be eligible to continue participation in the college's health and dental plans. 


离职是指员工连续三个工作日未向主管说明缺勤原因. 放弃工作 also occurs when an employee fails to return to work when directed to do so, 经批准的请假或处分停学后,连续三个工作日内未将缺勤原因通知主管人员的. An employee who abandons his or her job will be considered to have voluntarily resigned. 自愿辞职不受 申诉程序.


连续服务三年以上的学院员工被辞退,自离职之日起一年内被重新聘用的,可以恢复病假, may begin earning vacation time at the rate in effect as of their date of termination, and will not be considered to have an "interruption of service" for benefits such as retirement and tuition. 然而, 病假和假期在离职期间不累积,离职期间也不被视为工作时间,以确定工资和薪金.



放电 is termination of employment for reasons including but not limited to unsatisfactory work performance, 不当行为, 或违反学校的政策或规定. 放电 may be preceded by a period of leave without pay pending investigation. 解雇可以在没有事先通知的情况下发生.

正常情况下, 被解雇的员工不得重新就业或调任学院其他职位, 并且可能没有资格继续获得COBRA规定的健康和牙科保险福利,也可能没有资格获得失业福利.


如果重组或其他业务需要减少人员,导致你的职位被取消, you will be given at least four weeks' notice or pay in lieu of notice. If your position is eliminated and you are unable to transfer to another position at the college, 你可能有资格获得遣散费.


对于那些被解雇的员工,或者那些为了达到大学裁员目标而被解雇的员工,可以获得遣散费. The college may modify or terminate the severance benefits policy at any time without prior notice.


你有资格获得遣散费如果, at the time your position is eliminated or your employment is terminated, 你:

  • hold a regular budgeted non-faculty position of half-time or more, and
  • are an active employee or on authorized leave with or without pay, and
  • 由于部门或单位的非自愿裁员而失去职位或被终止雇佣.

You are not eligible for severance pay if you work less than half time, 如果你有临时预约, or if at the time of your appointment the position had a defined termination date.

To receive severance pay you are required to apply for available college positions for which you are qualified. 如果你在四周的通知期内转到学院的其他职位,你将没有资格获得遣散费. 同样的, 如果你正在领取遣散费, the payments will stop as of the date you return to work.


If your position is to be eliminated or your employment terminated, you will be given at least four weeks of notice prior to your expected termination date. During the notice period you will continue to work and will receive your regular base pay or salary. At the discretion of the college, a combination of notice and pay in lieu of notice may be granted.


If your employment is being terminated and you are unable to transfer to another college position, 你将有资格获得遣散费如下:

A. 如果你有资格根据本政策获得遣散费,但选择不提交有效的弃权书,使学院免于因你的工作而产生的法律索赔, 然后,您将收到相当于两(2)周的工资加上累计和未使用的假期以及您有资格享受的其他带薪假期的遣散费.

B. If you elect to submit such a release, then you will receive a severance payment as follows:

  • 基本的付款
    A payment of four (4) weeks of pay calculated at your base weekly rate at the time you leave the college;
  • 按工作年限支付额外津贴






你的遣散费将根据你目前的基本工资和你从最近受雇之日起连续服务的年数计算. 服务学分将给予每学年或财政年度,你全职工作在一个正常的预算职位. You will be given prorated credit for each year in which you worked half time or more in such a position.


Your employment and benefits will terminate as of your last day of work. 然而, 如上文所述,您将继续保持工资水平,并在适当的时期(2-14周)内获得遣散费. 如果你得到了另一个大学职位, severance payments will stop as of the date you return to work. 如果你选择不申请或不接受你符合条件的大学职位,遣散费也将停止支付.



You will receive payment for your accrued and unused vacation and any other paid time for which you are eligible. No additional vacation or other paid time will accrue during the severance payment period.


学校将在你符合条件的所有假期工资和其他带薪时间里支付退休金. No retirement contributions will be made on your severance pay.


你可以继续参加学院的团体医疗保健计划和牙科计划18个月,在你离开学院时选择COBRA保险. Under COBRA you pay the full health and/or dental premium cost plus a 2% administrative fee. 参加学院的团体医疗保健计划和/或牙科计划的资格将在您加入另一个团体健康或牙科计划的日期终止.


您可以在不提供健康证明的情况下将全部或部分团体人寿保险转换为个人保险. 有关此转换功能的详细信息,请参阅您的个人团体人寿保险证书.


Your coverage under the college's group 长期伤残保险计划 will end on your last day of work. 您可能有资格转换您的保险范围,并根据哈特福德集团长期残疾转换政策投保. You will receive a conversion brochure and an application form at the time your employment at the college ends.


如果你的孩子正在上另一所大学, 澳门葡京博彩软件, or the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Campus School at the time your employment ends, any existing tuition grant will be continued for the remainder of the semester.


所有未付学费的余额, 电脑, and other college loans will be immediately due and deducted from your severance payment up to its full value. 任何仍欠的款项将立即到期.


任何未偿还的第二按揭贷款余额,通常必须在终止雇佣后30天内偿还, with the college offering brief extensions when necessary. Tenants who leave the college for any reason except retirement must vacate college housing within 30 days.


在你的遣散费停止支付之后, you are eligible to apply for available positions for which you qualify based on educational background, 技能, 和经验. The Office of 人力资源 will assist you in identifying positions for which you may be qualified; however, 不保证优先.