

大学行为委员会 ensures that students uphold the st和ards for student ethics 和 conduct outlined in the 学生手册. The board hears cases of alleged infractions of non-academic rules 和 makes decisions about the outcomes of cases. 学术违规由学术荣誉委员会处理.


The board hears cases in teams of 5 members constituting a hearing board. Every hearing board is assisted by an adviser who is a member of the student affairs staff. The Conduct Board uses the code of student conduct 和 the policies of the college to evaluate the cases before it. The members of the board shall deliberate 和 reach a consensus on the decision of more likely or not to be responsible for each separate violation the student who is the subject of the complaint has been brought to the board for. Thus, the burden of proof is more likely than not to be responsible for committing a violation.

The code of student conduct expects that each student's behavior 和 actions will contribute to a community characterized by individual integrity, 尊重, 和 a concern for the implications 和 repercussions of student behavior. 我们鼓励学生熟悉 学生手册 和 行为准则, 和 should be aware that this list does not constitute an exhaustive or complete list of prohibited conduct.

Summarized from the 澳门葡京博彩软件 学生手册 – Code of Social Conduct


会员 eligibility is for students in good academic 和 disciplinary st和ing, with at least 64 credits 和 at least one prior semester of enrollment at Smith. The conduct board shall not exceed twenty (20) students 和 shall minimally include seven (7) students.


品行委员会成员资格的申请目前已截止. 关于行为委员会的问题, 或者申请过程, 鼓励学生与行为委员会主席联系.

问题? 电子邮件 rshaw@iqbb.net.


This information is presented to assist students with questions they may have about the 大学行为委员会 和 judicial process. 它是用来回答一般问题的. 学生应参阅 学生手册 获取更明确的信息. 在所有情况下, the 学生手册 和 similar college publications are the authoritative source for college policies.

大学行为委员会 是由一组 students who uphold the policies, regulations, 和 ethical st和ards of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community. 有 三种类型的行为听证会, Conduct Board Hearing, Administrative Hearing 和 Administrative Settlement. 大学行为委员会维护所有非学术性的大学政策, 尤其是那些涉及学生行为的问题. Therefore, the board deals with all violations of nonacademic policies 和 regulations.

A student appears before the board because they may have violated a college policy. A list of behaviors considered violations of college policy can be found in the 学生手册's 学生行为准则. (这个列表并不详尽.)

任何人都可以对学生提出投诉. Usually, Campus Safety 和/or a residence life staff member will bring complaints before the board. A student may also bring another student before the board if the student believes a violation of college policy has occurred.

No, 操守委员会保留建议停赛的权利, 开除或永久离校. 然而,只有学院院长才能最终做出决定.

听证会由五名董事会成员和一名顾问组成. 提出投诉的人 (原告) to the board has the opportunity to present her/his version of events to the board, 现在的目击者, 被质疑. 之后,投诉的对象 (被申请人) has the opportunity to present their version of events, 现在的目击者, be questioned, etc. 总的来说,一次听证会平均用时不到两个小时.

在大多数情况下,家长不会被告知学生的违规行为. 如果学生, 然而, engages in conduct that places not only the student but also others at risk, 可能会通知家长. 另外, if an underage student is found responsible for a violation of the college alcohol policy, 学生家长可能会被通知. 在所有情况下, the decision to notify parents rests with the dean of students or the dean of the college.

听证会后, members of the board deliberate 和 if they believe a violation has occurred, decide what course of action would provide the best means of education for the student. 董事会不想“惩罚”某人, 而是通过制裁提供一种教育手段. If the violation is minor, usually community service or some other activity is selected. 如果学生, 然而, 有更严重的违规行为, 试用期也可能包括在内. 在试用期内, 如果学生被发现违反了学校的规定, 他们可能会受到更严重的惩罚 制裁, which may include a recommendation of suspension, dismissal or permanent separation.

The student may bring an advisor of their choosing to a hearing for comfort 和 advice. During the course of the hearing, the advisor is not permitted to address the board.

The board 和 学生事务处 keep a record of the violation 和 hearing throughout the student’s career at Smith 和 up to seven years after graduation. In most cases, the violation will not be noted upon the student’s transcript.

Every sanction is designed specifically for the student 和 their personal needs. The board evaluates the severity of each complaint 和 determines the 制裁 based upon the information presented at the hearing. Other factors that contribute to the 制裁 process include: how much has the student learned from this experience, 这个学生有可能再犯吗, will certain sanctions help or impede the student’s ability to succeed within the Smith community.

是的,所有听证会都是保密的. 在整个听证会上, a digital recording is made in case the board needs to hear certain parts of the hearing during deliberation or in case the student decides to appeal the final decision of the board. Statistics on cases can be made available by contacting the dean of students office at studentaffairs@iqbb.net.

如果学生没有完成他们的制裁, the student may be charged with non-compliance 和 may be required appear before the board for hearing or have a meeting with the advisor to the board.

如果违规或投诉已被提交, 没有办法避免董事会安排的听证会. 最简单的方法就是参加预定的听证会. 如果你认为董事会的最终决定是不公平的, 你可以在7天之内向教务长提出上诉 业务 董事会最后决定的几天. 上诉程序可在 SGA规章制度.

朱莉安娜Ohotnicky 校园生活副总裁兼教务长

贝基肖 |学生事务副主任; 董事会顾问

汉娜Durrant |住宿生活主任,听力顾问

玛姬Litchford |学生助理院长、听力顾问

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