

澳门葡京博彩软件 employees are expected to adhere to high standards of professional and ethical conduct in carrying out their duties. 保持道德标准, 包括适当的会计, 内部控制, 审计和遵从性, 是澳门葡京博彩软件社区每个成员的责任吗. Early identification and resolution of ethical issues that might arise are critical to maintaining sound business, 包括但不限于财务方面, 实践. This policy sets forth the procedures for reporting and investigating misconduct related to financial and accounting issues, 并确定联系人,以报告任何其他不当行为. 学生 are directed to use the other means available to them for reporting wrongdoing at the college, 包括教务处.



At 澳门葡京博彩软件 responsibilities and decision-making are distributed throughout the organization. 同时我们相信我们的员工能够理解并遵守政策和法律, 有, 不幸的是, 罕见的不当行为, 甚至是非法活动. 任何观察到, 第一手, financial activities or 实践 that they believe to be against a law or regulation with which the college must comply, 或者反对大学政策, 是否应将这些活动报告给 控制器. 员工 may also submit concerns confidentially and anonymously regarding accounting, 内部控制, 审计和遵从性 matters 委任为校董会审计委员会主席 by contacting the 董事会办公室. 员工也可以通过 EthicsPoint,员工可以通过第三方提供商匿名举报不当行为. Care will be taken to maintain appropriate confidentiality throughout the investigatory phase and for as long as possible.


学院打算监督所有员工遵守财务政策的情况. 为此目的, alternative mechanisms have been established for bringing forward allegations against the key individuals responsible for carrying out this policy. Information regarding actions of the 控制器 should be reported directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Information regarding actions of the Vice President for Finance and Administration should be reported directly to the President. Information regarding actions of the President should be reported to the Vice President for Finance and Administration or the 控制器, 其中任何一人均可向校董会谘询.


的 控制器 is responsible for investigating specific allegations reported to them. 的 Audit Committee is responsible for investigating allegations or concerns reported to it. 的 results of any investigation will be reported to the Vice President for Finance and Administration 和总统 and, 在必要的时候, 委任为校董会审计委员会主席. 学院将根据调查结果采取适当的行动.


All employees are encour年龄d to report suspected violations of law or college policy directly to their supervisor. 另外, 员工可以向系主任提出这个问题, 迪安, director or other college official/office having responsibility for overseeing compliance with the particular policy or procedure in accordance with the guidance below. 投诉也可以匿名通过 EthicsPoint.

人力资源: 就业政策

教务长/院长: 学术不端行为, 教职员管理守则, 聘任政策, 连任, 晋升和终身职位

公平与包容办公室: 基于种族歧视或骚扰学生和员工, color, 信条, 宗教, 国家/民族起源, 性, 性取向, 年龄, or disability; 性ual misconduct

校园安全: 刑事案件,人身危险

资讯科技服务: Acceptable Use 政策; data security issues


的 College will take steps to ensure that employees who come forward in good faith to report any misconduct under this policy will be protected from adverse employment action in retaliation for their reporting. This protection is afforded to all employees who communicate information in good faith and through appropriate channels.


A report made under this policy can have considerable impact on the personal and professional lives of those charged, 无论是在调查期间还是在长期内. An employee shall not intentionally misuse the college’s 告密者的政策 and procedures. 故意滥用包括, 但不限于, 无聊的要求, attempts to treat a personal grievance or personnel dispute as an allegation of wrongdoing, 在引用保单时缺乏诚信或任何已知的虚假, malicious or misleading statements made at any time under the procedures of the policy.

的 控制器 (when involved) will report to the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, 雇员所在办公室的主管, 和总统, the identity of any employee who is believed to have intentionally misused the 告密者的政策. 经过这些人的适当审查, 该员工将受到纪律处分直至并包括解雇.


员工手册让你了解 就业政策 以及免职/行政人员的福利, nonexempt/administrative support staff and members of 教师 in their status as employees of 澳门葡京博彩软件. 这些政策与, 不得替换或修改, the 教师 Code and 政策 or any collective bargaining agreement 澳门葡京博彩软件 has with a union. 了解更多澳门葡京博彩软件雇佣的信息, faculty should consult the 教师 Code and 政策 on the Office of the 教务长/院长 website, and union employees should consult the terms of their collective bargaining contract. 学院保留作出决定的权利, 不时地, changes in policies and employee benefits that it considers to be in the best interest of the Smith community.

的 governance of 澳门葡京博彩软件是 an enterprise shared among the Board of Trustees, 教师, 行政部门, 学院的学生和教职员工. 作为共同治理的一个组成部分, the rights and responsibilities of 教师 as granted by the Board of Trustees are described in this 学院管治守则, in the 政策 of Appointment, Reappointment Promotion and 任期内, and in the Rules of the 教师. 此外, 委员会承认学术自由的权利, 正如《学术自由及言论自由声明》所载, 对学院的教育使命至关重要.

所有评估的具体程序都受总体目的的约束 这些规定, 其中有三个方面:提供一个信息系统, fair decisions; to assist new colleagues in developing their abilities; and to protect faculty from excessive scrutiny, 虐待, 或者任意对待和扰乱他们的教学.

澳门葡京博彩软件是 承诺 to maintaining a diverse community in an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation of differences.

控制器的办公室 占, reports on and safeguards 澳门葡京博彩软件’s financial resources in a manner that supports the college’s mission and community.

澳门葡京博彩软件致力于履行其义务 第九条 and maintaining an environment that is free of 性 discrimination, including harassment. 这种行为对我们社会的福祉是有害的.

通过公平和包容的服务和推广模式 澳门葡京博彩软件校园安全部 有助于确保澳门葡京博彩软件社区的每个成员都能安全地学习, 在相互尊重和支持的环境中生活和工作. 的 校园安全 Department commits to ongoing training and education on a range of topics, 比如降级, 反种族主义和社区参与, 这是与学生建立信任和伙伴关系的核心, 整个校园的教职员工.

澳门葡京博彩软件 requires that any person who uses its information technology resources and services must do so in a 负责任和合乎道德的态度,遵守所有适用的法律、法规和政策.