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奖助金 administration (GA), an area within the finance office at 澳门葡京博彩软件, is responsible for the post-award administration, from award to close-out, of all externally sponsored research grants, 合同, 和奖励. 这包括:与赞助商和主要研究人员(pi)一起谈判合同和奖励条款, 监督项目预算活动,确保符合学院和赞助商的政策和指导方针, reviewing and approving sponsored research expenditures, preparing financial reports, and preparing various post-award requests to sponsors (e.g., no-cost extension requests, re-budget requests).

奖助金 administration works closely with the Sponsored 研究 Office (SRO),以确保从颁奖前活动顺利过渡到颁奖后活动, 并与主要研究人员以及奖项颁发后的管理人员进行交流.

我们努力为我们的教职员工提供优质的服务,同时确保遵守所有适用的联邦法规, 状态, local and private research foundation policies.

Award Management

当学院收到奖励通知时,这个过程从奖励前阶段转移到奖励后阶段. 奖助金管理部门与受资助的研究办公室密切合作,以确保从奖前活动顺利过渡到奖后活动, 并与主要研究人员以及奖项颁发后的管理人员进行交流.

拨款管理部门将与首席研究员一起接受和/或协商拨款或合同. 这个过程从审查所有的条款和条件开始, 补助金管理当局会在哪些地方强调特别条款及条件, such as restrictions, 和需求, as well as verify the elements of the agreement.

如果有必要的话, 奖学金管理部门将代表学院和首席研究员就奖学金的条款和条件进行谈判. 如果没有问题或谈判过程,则该奖项将进入设置过程.


PI/PD负责监督所有支付给补助金的费用. 我们建议您每月至少审查一次您在班纳的奖助金预算,以避免成本超支并确定任何分配不当. Mistakes can happen, 但是,如果在短时间内发现错误,可以很容易地转移记入拨款的费用. Be sure that all 发票, 抵用券, 并且已提交的工资费用将正确地记入补助金. Grant budget overruns are charged to the PI/PD’s department.

You can review your grant budget by logging into BannerWeb (via the 澳门葡京博彩软件门户).

分配给任何资助项目的所有非补偿性费用在处理之前都由资助管理部门审查和批准,以确认该费用符合奖励的条款和条件,并确定提供了足够的文件和理由. One exception to this procedure is ProCard费用, 在补助金发放后,由补助金管理部门审核(见经费支出)。. 如果赞助项目符合以下标准,则允许支付费用:

  1. Reasonable—a prudent person would have purchased this same item and paid same price; an arms-length arrangement.
  2. Allocatable—expense is allocated to a project in proportion to the benefits derived to the program objectives; the investigator is the responsible person who determines the proportional charge to the project.
  3. 在相同的情况下,一致处理的费用由机构以相同的方式处理.
  4. 允许的-以上三个标准都满足,并且根据奖项的条款和条件,费用被允许作为直接成本.

Expenditures on federal agreements are subject to the provisions of CFR 200 - UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, 成本原则, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS. If you have questions regarding the allowability of an item, 我们鼓励您在购买之前与赠款管理部门联系.

从赞助资金来源购买的物品需要保存文件. 联邦政府资助的采购所需的文件包括采购订单, 发票, copies of competitive quotes or proposals, justification for sole source selection, and cost/price analysis, as well as approvals. The rule of thumb is that all documentation should be “Self-Explanatory”. 所有的费用文件都被扫描到Banner系统,并按照联邦和州法律的要求保留赠款和合同.

College ProCards不能设置为直接默认外部资助. If any grant-related charges are made on a college ProCard, 费用必须按照适当的程序和批准程序重新分配给奖助金.

助学金管理协助预算和审查费用收取赞助项目在澳门葡京博彩软件. 这一过程确保了赞助项目的成本公平合理的分配和允许. 然而,在任何会计系统中,偶尔都会出现过账和分配错误. 主要研究者有责任定期审查并确保向资助项目收取的费用的合理分配和准确性. 定期复核应在过账的合理期限内进行. 主要研究人员应该定期审查他们的联邦奖励. 一旦一笔交易记录在澳门葡京博彩软件总账上,需要重新分配, the request for transfer is either a journal or a cost transfer. 请参阅成本转移政策,以澄清哪些费用转移符合成本转移.

All journals and cost transfers, payroll and non-payroll, 必须由主要研究者或指定人员授权,并在处理之前由资助管理部门审查和批准吗.

Journal requests should include the journal, a screenshot or printout of the original posting of the transaction, copies of all original documentation.


助学金管理局准备赞助机构要求的所有财务报告. 未经教育资助署助理署长核实,不向保荐人提供任何财务资料.

The PI/PD is responsible for all narrative or technical reports. Many sponsoring agencies require annual progress reports; check the specific grant terms and conditions. 与教师发起的补助金有关的所有叙述报告和信件的副本应转发给补助金管理部门. 与机构赠款有关的所有叙述性报告和信件的副本应转发给公司办公室 & Foundation Relations.

一旦最终报告的所有要求和所有可交付成果都已完成并被赞助者接受,那么补助金将被视为关闭, and all income has been received.

在赞助项目结束时,基金将被检查是否有任何错误. 在此过程中,如果发现任何不允许的费用,费用必须转入部门基金. 费用分摊和努力报告将得到核实,赤字需要清除. Additionally, any open encumbrances must be closed. If the project is fixed price and a balance exists, 补助金管理局将根据固定价格协议的关闭指示关闭基金.

After all internal and external requirements have been met, 奖助金管理部门将开始在奖助金结清清单中记录的奖助金结清过程,并将开始奖助金档案的记录保留期.

Post-Award 政策

预算计划是在奖励过程中批准的项目或计划的财务表达. 一旦拨款被授予,批准的预算将进入Banner. The awarded budget may be different then the proposal. 补助金管理将始终按照赞助者授予的金额进入预算.

After a grant has been awarded, 项目负责人可以确定批准的预算拨款与实际项目需要不一致. S/he may request a reallocation of funds from one spending category, 或者账户代码, 到另一个能更好地反映项目需求的账户代码类别. This process is called rebudgeting or budget revision.

拨款有各种各样的变化,包括内部或外部批准.  These can include:

  • adjusting the length of a project period
  • changes in scope of work
  • addition of a subaward
  • change of PI or addition of a Co-PI
  • pre-award costs in excess of 90 days
  • rebudgeting of budget line items
  • 参与者支持费用的重新预算(具体到国家科学基金奖励)

请求的类型以及赞助者的要求和资助条款和条件, 指定请求是否可以在内部或外部由发起人审核和批准.  It is important to note that in either case, the request must be reviewed and approved by grants administration.

许多联邦机构已将批准此类变更的权力移交给获奖院校. 如果主要研究者希望修改授予的预算或对其拨款进行其他行政变更, 他们应该联系拨款管理部门,以获得适当的程序. 实际的变更请求必须以书面形式提出,或者使用事先批准申请表.

Subrecipients submit 发票 directly to grants administration. 初步审查后,拨款管理部门将把发票转交给首席研究员批准. Once the PI has approved it, 发票将退还给赠款管理部门以核实签名,并与任何其他赠款费用一样处理.

在PI批准发票之前,应该对其进行审查,以确保费用是正确的,并且在有关的计费期间是允许的. 如果PI不同意任何费用,则不应批准发票,并应通知分收货人任何问题. Invoices should only be approved if the work is satisfactory to the PI.


Any federal contract or subcontract, awarded after September 8, 2009, that includes the E-Verify clause (48.CFR第2,22条; & 52), and that exceeds 120 days and $100,000, and sub合同 that include the clause and exceed $3,000, are required to E-Verify all new hires, including student workers.

所有与澳门葡京博彩软件签订联邦合同的雇员都必须填写I-9表格. 人力资源和工资办公室将确保所有从事联邦合同工作的澳门葡京博彩软件员工和学生都在E-Verify系统中进行处理.

参与者支持成本是支持接受培训机会的个人作为讲习班的一部分的成本, 会议, 研讨会, 研讨会或其他由赞助奖项资助的短期教学或信息共享活动. Costs may include stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, 支付给或代表参与者(非员工)的注册费. A participant does not perform work or service for the project or program. 参与者不需要为大学提供任何东西或提供任何服务来换取这些支持费用.

不允许的费用被澳门葡京博彩软件定义为那些根据联邦赞助协议的条款和条件不能报销的费用和/或在2 CFR 200 -统一管理要求中特别确定为不允许的费用, 成本原则, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (“统一的指导”), published by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

采购:自2014年12月26日起,澳门葡京博彩软件采用了新的统一指导(CFR Title 2: 奖助金 and Agreements PART 200), 但选择将采购条例的采用推迟到2019财年, 7月1日开始, 2018.

Contact 奖助金 Administration

Northampton, MA 01063


Assistant Director of 奖助金 Administration

Susanne Kiley
奖助金 & 预算的助理